
Hercus milling machine.

 I have been considering buying a mill and lathe for several years now, but didn't want anything too large as my garage has height limitations (a Bridgeport wouldn't fit) and I really didn't need anything quite that big in a mill. The lathe will be another story when I get one, I'll buy the biggest single phase machine I can.  But I digress. I didn't want to buy one of the cheap little Chinese pedestal mills as the tubular upright is too flimsy for serious milling and having a machine that's just a vertical mill has it's limitations also.  The larger Chinese/ Taiwanese mills, with their dovetail columns, are better machines, but still limiting and quite expensive for what they are.  I didn't know Hercus made a small mill till I saw one on Ebay and decided to buy it. It was missing a couple of parts for horizontal milling ( the arbor and end support), but it was otherwise complete, if very ugly in it's fine paintbrush and leftover fence paint jo